New Jersey Paranormal Group
New Jersey Paranormal Group

New Jersey {Paranormal Group

"What happens to us when we die?"
Carol co-founded ECoPro along with her husband Joe to help other people understand the paranormal. As a child she had numerous unexplained experiences that have made her question what else exists beyond this life. Her interest in history, research, and the paranormal have combined and given her the opportunity to try to put explanations to those childhood experiences.
Since becoming a paranormal investigator Carol has had many more experiences with phenomenon that have helped strengthen her belief that there is something beyond this life.
Carol - Co Founder/
Case Manager
"What caused that sound?"
Joe's background in research, fact gathering and troubleshooting in the architectural and engineering field was an ideal fit to "what goes bump in the night". With his passion for finding the truth with all his projects, when something out of the ordinary or unusual is heard, seen or felt, he will use all of his technical experiences to find the facts. Remember, somethings are unexplained.
Joe - Co Founder/
Tech Manager

Lisa - Investigator / Assistant Case Manager
After the death of her father, Lisa had several dreams about her dad that consisted of him coming to her and telling her that he was ok. Lisa thought, if he can come to me in my dreams, why couldn’t he communicate with me while I’m awake? This prompted her to become interested in the paranormal. Finding answers and helping others understand the unexplainable is why she is part of ECoPRO.
© 2014 EAST COAST PARANORMAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION - NEW JERSEY Headquarters , ECoPRO All Rights Reserved, All content on this page, unless otherwise noted, is the property of East Coast Paranormal Research Organization. Unauthorized reproduction or use without express written permission is prohibited and violators will be prosecuted.
Ghost Hunters in New Jersey, Ghost Hunters in Connecticut, Ghost Hunters in New York, Ghost Hunters in Delaware, Ghost Hunters in Pennsylvania, Ghost Hunting, Paranormal Groups in New Jersey, Paranormal Groups in Conneticut, Paranormal Groups in Delaware, Paranormal Groups in Pennsylvania, Paranormal Groups in New York